Tuesday, October 24, 2006

At The Third Stroke, It Will Be...

... the end of an era. Only the third full-time voice of British Telecom's Speaking Clock is set to retire and a competition is underway to select a successor. I remember both the current Voice and his predecessor all too well. The Speaking Clock is a British institution. Apparently, Brian Cobby has been deemed 'too posh' to continue in the role in the new Cooler Britannia.

Which makes us here at TDP HQ wonder, what if Canada had a speaking clock? Who would you pick to bring accurate time to the nation?

Paul Martin? "At the third stroke, the time, and let me be clear about this; er.... quite frankly, let there be no doubt about it, will be, er... well,..."

Don Cherry? "At the third stroke, the time for those French guys and Europeans will be..."

Christina Lawand? "At the third stroke," < cue unrelated footage of Stephen Harper >

Peter Mansbridge? "At the third stroke, the time will continue after tonight's playoff game."

Chuck Guite? "At the third stroke, the brown envelope will contain $2,000."

David Dingwall? "At the third stroke, I will be entitled to more entitlements."

Add your own....