In thanks for her highly entertaining account of the nonsensical press conference of El-Masry's children.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Nearly Two Years of Doggerel
And I've never asked for donations or indeed for any help. Along the way though, I know I've picked up a few regular readers and commenters, and some regular tipsters too.
Therefore, in the spirit of Warman Wednesday, an invitation. I'd like you to read around the blog for the next little while. Browse the Best Of TDPC links, read back in time. Remember such greats as the invention of cat sequestration, or the various Alternate Services books.
And then, if you've enjoyed anything you read, or raised a smile, or indeed, even if you haven't, please click the Paypal donation button on the right and give to the legal defense fund for the Canadian bloggers sued by Richard Warman.
All donations received will be split equally and passed on to the bloggers. If you don't trust me (and you know you can't trust the corgis with anything, although I don't think even they can eat Paypal) then go directly to Kate, Kathy, Ezra and Free Dominion and give directly. I won't be offended and neither will they.
Again... I've never asked for anything on this blog, but after two years I must have written something that's worthy of a donation. So even if you've given already, think about doing it again. For the corgis.
Therefore, in the spirit of Warman Wednesday, an invitation. I'd like you to read around the blog for the next little while. Browse the Best Of TDPC links, read back in time. Remember such greats as the invention of cat sequestration, or the various Alternate Services books.
And then, if you've enjoyed anything you read, or raised a smile, or indeed, even if you haven't, please click the Paypal donation button on the right and give to the legal defense fund for the Canadian bloggers sued by Richard Warman.
All donations received will be split equally and passed on to the bloggers. If you don't trust me (and you know you can't trust the corgis with anything, although I don't think even they can eat Paypal) then go directly to Kate, Kathy, Ezra and Free Dominion and give directly. I won't be offended and neither will they.
Again... I've never asked for anything on this blog, but after two years I must have written something that's worthy of a donation. So even if you've given already, think about doing it again. For the corgis.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
A Statement By The Ontario Human Rights Commission... October 1940
Issued by Barbara Chamberlain Hall.
The Commission has long emphasized that forms of racism exist in all of society’s institutions. In order to effectively respond to racism, it is necessary to clearly acknowledge its existence.
Racism exists in the media and the media has a significant role to play in either combating societal racism or refraining from communicating and reproducing it. Germanophobia is a form of racism that includes stereotypes, bias or acts of hostility towards Germans, and the viewing of members of the Nazi party as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level.
The Commission is concerned that since the September 1939 invasion of Poland, Germanophobic attitudes are becoming more prevalent in society and Nazis are increasingly the target of intolerance, including an unwillingness to consider accommodating some of their beliefs and practices.
The Commission has long emphasized that forms of racism exist in all of society’s institutions. In order to effectively respond to racism, it is necessary to clearly acknowledge its existence.
Racism exists in the media and the media has a significant role to play in either combating societal racism or refraining from communicating and reproducing it. Germanophobia is a form of racism that includes stereotypes, bias or acts of hostility towards Germans, and the viewing of members of the Nazi party as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level.
The Commission is concerned that since the September 1939 invasion of Poland, Germanophobic attitudes are becoming more prevalent in society and Nazis are increasingly the target of intolerance, including an unwillingness to consider accommodating some of their beliefs and practices.
Lewis Carroll on Barbara Hall
Fury said to a mouse,
That he met in the
house, 'Let us
both go to law:
I will prosecute
you.-- Come, I'll
take no denial;
We must have
a trial: For
really this
morning I've
nothing to do.'
Said the mouse
to the cur,
'Such a trial,
dear Sir, With
no jury or
judge, would
be wasting
our breath.'
'I'll be
judge, I'll
be jury,'
Said cunning
old Fury:
'I'll try
the whole
cause, and
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Flying..... High
Dr. David Salisbury, Ottawa's Chief Medical Officer of Health and vocal proponent of the free crack-pipe program in that city, has been appointed to Transport Canada as the Director of Civil Aviation Medicine, reports the Ottawa Citizen. Dr. Salisbury has graced the pages of TDPC before.
Dr. Salisbury, who is 53, said his new job will involve setting and maintaining standards for the medical fitness of pilots, flight engineers and air controllers for civil aviation, and ensuring that high standards are met internationally.There is as yet no word on when Canadian air carriers will be forced to begin carrying crack pipes and exchange needles on domestic flights.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Step Away From The Hedgehog
A man in New Zealand has been charged with assaulting a teenager using a hedgehog as a weapon, the NZ Herald reports.
"It hit the victim in the leg, causing a large, red welt and several puncture marks," said Senior Sergeant Bruce Jenkins, of Whakatane police. "He was arrested shortly afterwards for assault with a weapon, namely the hedgehog."H/t Doggerelle.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Keeping The Flame Alive: Chinese Special Forces and the Olympic Spirit
Doggerelle spotted this piece in the Daily Mail today.
UPDATE: The Times has an in-depth look at the blue-suits, and the UK opposition are asking the same questions.
Referring to the Chinese security guards, who were in France yesterday with the torch on the next leg of its world tour, he [Lord Coe] said: "One thing in Paris is to get rid of those guys. They tried to push me out of the way three times. They are horrible. They did not speak English. They were thugs." Wearing blue tracksuits, the 14 minders surrounded the symbolic flame, pushing anyone who tried to get near, as it was relayed 31 miles across London.What are Chinese special forces doing on the streets of Western capital cities? Why are foreign troops being allowed to stifle protest and dissent in these cities? Just what do special forces have to do with the Olympic ideal?
Miss Huq, one of 80 torchbearers said: "The men in blue perplexed everyone. Nobody seemed to know who they were officially or what their title was. They were very robotic, very full on, and I noticed them having skirmishes with our own police and the Olympic authorities before our leg of the relay, which was confusing.
"They were barking orders at me, like 'Run! Stop!' and I was like, 'Oh my gosh, who are these people?'
It was reported the men have been recruited from Chinese special forces brigades. Some came from the feared Flying Dragons and the Sword of Flying Dragons counter-terror units.
UPDATE: The Times has an in-depth look at the blue-suits, and the UK opposition are asking the same questions.
Liberal Infighting Caught on Camera
No doubt, the Liberal Party of Canada is anxious to keep their infighting over the leadership of Stéphane Dion from public view, as this article suggests. However, TDPC has obtained exclusive footage captured at a recent Liberal caucus meeting.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
You've Got Questions...
Today at our church was Big Question Sunday, when the children are encouraged to write down any questions and the rector does his best to answer them. One of the questions was about the liturgical colours and why certain colours are associated with particular seasons. The rector asked the children what they thought of when they saw the colour green.
Typical three year old: Leaves and grass.
Doggerette (also three): Slimy frogs.
Needless to say that brought the house down. Either we're doing something wrong, or very, very right. I'm not sure which.
Typical three year old: Leaves and grass.
Doggerette (also three): Slimy frogs.
Needless to say that brought the house down. Either we're doing something wrong, or very, very right. I'm not sure which.
Bias Begins At Home
Someone from the CBC in Toronto has been gracing TDPC with their presence, having arrived here after Googling 'cbc bias'. Here's a hint, people: Look closer to home...
TDPC Exclusive: New Warning Labels for Wireless Routers
In another corgi exclusive, TDPC has obtained artwork created by the government of Canada for warning labels that will shortly be required for all wireless routers, gateways and network appliances sold for use in Canada.

The labels will be required at the request of Ian Fine, Senior General Counsel of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, who in an interview with the National Post newspaper recently said that hijacking open wireless internet connections to post incriminating material was "an appropriate process," and that if consumers find their internet connection hijacked and their name dragged out in CHRT proceedings, that's their own fault for not securing their devices.
The labels will be required at the request of Ian Fine, Senior General Counsel of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, who in an interview with the National Post newspaper recently said that hijacking open wireless internet connections to post incriminating material was "an appropriate process," and that if consumers find their internet connection hijacked and their name dragged out in CHRT proceedings, that's their own fault for not securing their devices.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Curious Coincidence?
Another curious set of facts came to light when the corgis were sniffing out CHRC investigator Sandra Kozak. Googling Sandra Kozak brought up the website which appears to be a franchised independent travel agency operated by... Sandra Kozak.
The travel site gives a fax number which is in the Perth, Ontario area, but the telephone number given is a Rogers wireless number. The site notes that calls are accepted from 9am to 9pm on that wireless number, and talks about 'flexible working hours.' Some people might find it odd that a business would provide no landline telephone number on which they can be contacted.
The WHOIS information for that domain lists Sandra Kozak as the domain owner and gives both the same fax number and a Perth area landline telephone number.
The existence of this business, in the same area and operated by someone with the same name is not conclusive evidence of moonlighting. However it certainly seems a little odd. It's to be hoped there is an innocent explanation, because if not, that would only raise more questions about potential conflict of interest issues in CHRC investigations.
The travel site gives a fax number which is in the Perth, Ontario area, but the telephone number given is a Rogers wireless number. The site notes that calls are accepted from 9am to 9pm on that wireless number, and talks about 'flexible working hours.' Some people might find it odd that a business would provide no landline telephone number on which they can be contacted.
The WHOIS information for that domain lists Sandra Kozak as the domain owner and gives both the same fax number and a Perth area landline telephone number.
The existence of this business, in the same area and operated by someone with the same name is not conclusive evidence of moonlighting. However it certainly seems a little odd. It's to be hoped there is an innocent explanation, because if not, that would only raise more questions about potential conflict of interest issues in CHRC investigations.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Warren Kinsella
This post contains strong language and is not suitable for children. Viewer discretion is advised.
I have been banned from commenting at Kinsella's blog! So that leaves me no choice but to make the following observation in public.
Coming from England, I occasionally find people who are the perfect fit for the epithet 'wanker'. I don't use it lightly. However, in this latest case, I think Kinsella proves that he's not even a wanker - just the after-stain.
I have been banned from commenting at Kinsella's blog! So that leaves me no choice but to make the following observation in public.
Coming from England, I occasionally find people who are the perfect fit for the epithet 'wanker'. I don't use it lightly. However, in this latest case, I think Kinsella proves that he's not even a wanker - just the after-stain.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Who Is Sandra Kozak?
Recent events have highlighted the antics of several of the Canadian Human Rights Commission's current and former investigators - Internet pseudonyms, wireless bandwidth theft, entrapment and so forth. All of which begs the question: How do these people get recruited, and aren't there any standards, checks or balances in the process?
To help answer this question, let's consider another of the CHRC's investigators. Sandra Kozak is the investigator assigned to perhaps the highest profile case du jour, that of the CIC's complaint against Macleans magazine. We know lots about Dean Steacy, and way more than we would wish to know about Richard Warman, but what of Sandra Kozak?
Rewind to April 1996, when Sandra Kozak was a constable with the Carleton Place Municipal Police Service. She was also in a relationship with a local man - we'll call him Mr. X. That April, X was arrested and charged with possession of stolen property and criminal harrassment. He already had other convictions for theft and assault. Following the arrest, Kozak's relationship with the criminal came to light.
An investigation ensued and Kozak was charged with discreditable conduct on Tuesday July 2nd, 1996. The charge alleged that between January 12 and June 12 of 1996, Kozak's relationship with X was likely to bring discredit to the force. Between April and August of 1996, X was additionally charged with four breaches of undertaking in relation to the original harrassment charge. Kozak continued her relationship with X throughout this time. On August 16, 1996. Kozak pleaded not guilty to the charge of discreditable conduct.
The hearing into the charges began on Monday January 20, 1997. The Ottawa Citizen ran an interview with X and Kozak the following day:
In fact, one would think that it would make any career in law enforcement more difficult - after all, surely even quasi-judicial agencies would be looking for sound judgement, not people who would place themselves in conflict of interest situations by becoming close to either complainants or the targets of their agency's investigations.
That this is not the case at the CHRC should come as no surprise in the light of what we have learned about that agency this year. They don't seem too fussy about what their people do on the job, never mind before they're even hired.
To help answer this question, let's consider another of the CHRC's investigators. Sandra Kozak is the investigator assigned to perhaps the highest profile case du jour, that of the CIC's complaint against Macleans magazine. We know lots about Dean Steacy, and way more than we would wish to know about Richard Warman, but what of Sandra Kozak?
Rewind to April 1996, when Sandra Kozak was a constable with the Carleton Place Municipal Police Service. She was also in a relationship with a local man - we'll call him Mr. X. That April, X was arrested and charged with possession of stolen property and criminal harrassment. He already had other convictions for theft and assault. Following the arrest, Kozak's relationship with the criminal came to light.
An investigation ensued and Kozak was charged with discreditable conduct on Tuesday July 2nd, 1996. The charge alleged that between January 12 and June 12 of 1996, Kozak's relationship with X was likely to bring discredit to the force. Between April and August of 1996, X was additionally charged with four breaches of undertaking in relation to the original harrassment charge. Kozak continued her relationship with X throughout this time. On August 16, 1996. Kozak pleaded not guilty to the charge of discreditable conduct.
The hearing into the charges began on Monday January 20, 1997. The Ottawa Citizen ran an interview with X and Kozak the following day:
On Monday morning, [X] and Kozak talked as they waited for lawyers to return to the hearing. While he was being interviewed, she grasped [X]'s arm, saying "He's a good guy. Really."On January 30, 1997, Sandra Kozak resigned from the Carleton Place Police Service after reaching a financial settlement and an agreement for the discreditable conduct charge to be dropped. The next day, she was more talkative with the Ottawa Citizen:
[X], who works for a local car dealership, said he can't understand why his relationship with Kozak has become such a big deal. "Everyone's made mistakes," said [X], 27. "Sandra has helped straighten me out... (The Carleton Place police) should see this as a good thing." Neither Kozak nor any of the lawyers involved in the case would comment. - Ottawa Citizen, January 21, 1997 page C5
One day after resigning from the Carleton Place police force under a cloud of scandal, Sandra Kozak will begin her quest to return to the law-enforcement ranks. "I'm going to be looking at any other policing opportunities," said Kozak, who hopes to remain in Eastern Ontario. "It's what I want to do and I'm not going to let this get in my way."So Kozak may have found that those charges might have made a career in policing more difficult.
But it may be difficult for Kozak to catch on with another force. Applicants undergo an extensive background check and the charges of discreditable conduct would inevitably come up, even though they have been dismissed. "(The charge) is definitely something we would consider when we assess a candidate's application," said Staff Sgt. Richard Murphy of the Ottawa-Carleton police.
Kozak says she will continue to live at her Perth area home and will continue her relationship with [X]. - Ottawa Citizen, Friday January 31, 1997, page D4
In fact, one would think that it would make any career in law enforcement more difficult - after all, surely even quasi-judicial agencies would be looking for sound judgement, not people who would place themselves in conflict of interest situations by becoming close to either complainants or the targets of their agency's investigations.
That this is not the case at the CHRC should come as no surprise in the light of what we have learned about that agency this year. They don't seem too fussy about what their people do on the job, never mind before they're even hired.
Ottawa Union Boss Kicks Dead Toddler
... metaphorically. Ottawa firefighters union baron Peter Kennedy lost no time in taking the body of a toddler who died in a house fire Monday in one of Ottawa's poorest social housing neighborhoods and turning it into a political football.
Even before the child is buried, Kennedy finds it appropriate to use the tragedy as a prop in his posturing and griping for more resources. Even if there is anything in what he has to say (which is doubtful, as it comes across as just traditional Big Labour rhetoric) it's despicable to use the death of a child in this way.
Even before the child is buried, Kennedy finds it appropriate to use the tragedy as a prop in his posturing and griping for more resources. Even if there is anything in what he has to say (which is doubtful, as it comes across as just traditional Big Labour rhetoric) it's despicable to use the death of a child in this way.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
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