After a brief hiatus caused by the arrival of Ewan James last week, we at TDPC headquarters are proud to announce the resumption of blogging. We took a break after the whole Montague Township election debacle. To those watching that from afar, I will post the results Monday night.
Easing back into the Blogging Tories world, then, here's a good start: Join the campaign for a National Beer Program. As I type I am doing my bit for this cause, with a Charles Wells IPA.
Also, having a newborn in the house does give you a chance to get a new perspective on a whole bunch of things. Has anyone else noticed the striking similarities between Jack Layton and a newborn baby? Both cry a lot and demand all your attention. Both crave the limelight and need to have a one-on-one visit with anyone who comes calling, be it Aunt Thelma or President Karzai. And neither of them really knows what's good for them yet. Although I have to say I'm glad Ewan doesn't have the mustache...
In terms of writing something about current events, I'm a bit stuck, since I don't know really what's been happening. One question though: when is a 50% to 48% poll result an even split? When it's a CBC poll on Canadian presence in Afghanistan of course. I did catch that little piece of spin on the radio the other day.
Also, I do know, before anyone insists on telling me, that the Senators are (to borrow from Bart Simpson) both sucking and blowing.
Anyway, normal activity should resume gradually over the next few days. Back to the feeding schedule....