A Global TV reporter tracks down Karla Homolka in a Montreal neighborhood and footage of him confronting her gets broadcast to the nation.
Now, I am not a fan of Karla Homolka. Her crimes were horrific, and I don't know if she is a reformed character or not. But, rightly or wrongly, she has served the amount of time she was to serve and she is a free woman. Many might want her back behind bars, but that's not going to happen. What, then, is the best outcome that we can hope for? Surely it has to be that she does not reoffend.
I just don't see how sensationalist journalism and endless stalking is going to help. I have no objection to her neighbors knowing about her presence; they can take steps to protect themselves and their families. But keeping a national spotlight on Homolka, keeping her on the run and on the move, keeping her from any kind of normal life, is not going to help the cause of anyone's safety.
The truth is, the reporter and his tabloid brand of journalism are simply there to sell airtime and newspapers. The goals of public safety and rehabilitation would be far better served by discreet, local, management of Homolka, out of the camera's sight.