Home from a day at the tech salt mine, to a letter from Laura Lowson, our by-law enforcement officer. Apparently, she has no record of us purchasing tags for the corgis this year. The letter sets out the same threats as were made through the local media last week - visits, fines, and more expensive tags.
This is curious because I have in my possession three shiny new tags and the receipt for their purchase (before the March 31 deadline). The letter does acknowledge the possibility of error, but I am now curious about two things:
1. How difficult can it be in a township of 3,100 residents to keep track of who's bought a dog tag?
2. Of the supposed 350 dog owners who have not purchased tags, as reported at the last council meeting, how many have, like me, actually purchased tags but fallen into a record-keeping screw up?
3. (I know, I said 2 things, but I just thought of this) If Ms. Lowson has had an angry reception so far, what might it be like if she shows up threatening to fine households that do have dog tags?
Get it together people. Sheesh.