She's the chair of the Ottawa Committee of the World March of Women, an organizer of local Code Pink anti-war demonstrations in Ottawa, and a speaker at various events related to 'activism'. For example, this excerpt comes from a 9/11 Conspiracy Theory site:
Civil Liberties & Legal Strategies for Protest: ... To work out how to continue to mount effective public protest, occupying and expanding the public space and finding ways of confronting, exposing, and undermining corporate and state control, while continuing to build viable alternatives. Solidarity & support strategies with communities and individuals under immediate risk; but also to make the best use of the freedoms and privileges we still enjoy. Concrete discussion of the real dangers as well as the real opportunities & strategies. With... Beth Greenhorn & Vallie Stearns (Ottawa Women's March Committee); ......
By their friends shall ye know them.
It bears pointing out that Ms. Greenhorn doesn't mind taking a paycheck from that oppressive state-controlling government; in her spare time, she's a Project Manager with Library and Archives Canada.